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From: Lucas Stach <>
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] dt-bindings: import input.h
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 01:17:23 +0100	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

Straight copy from the Linux kernel.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Stach <>
 include/dt-bindings/input/input.h | 525 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 525 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 include/dt-bindings/input/input.h

diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/input/input.h b/include/dt-bindings/input/input.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042e7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dt-bindings/input/input.h
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+ * This header provides constants for most input bindings.
+ *
+ * Most input bindings include key code, matrix key code format.
+ * In most cases, key code and matrix key code format uses
+ * the standard values/macro defined in this header.
+ */
+#define KEY_RESERVED		0
+#define KEY_ESC			1
+#define KEY_1			2
+#define KEY_2			3
+#define KEY_3			4
+#define KEY_4			5
+#define KEY_5			6
+#define KEY_6			7
+#define KEY_7			8
+#define KEY_8			9
+#define KEY_9			10
+#define KEY_0			11
+#define KEY_MINUS		12
+#define KEY_EQUAL		13
+#define KEY_BACKSPACE		14
+#define KEY_TAB			15
+#define KEY_Q			16
+#define KEY_W			17
+#define KEY_E			18
+#define KEY_R			19
+#define KEY_T			20
+#define KEY_Y			21
+#define KEY_U			22
+#define KEY_I			23
+#define KEY_O			24
+#define KEY_P			25
+#define KEY_LEFTBRACE		26
+#define KEY_RIGHTBRACE		27
+#define KEY_ENTER		28
+#define KEY_LEFTCTRL		29
+#define KEY_A			30
+#define KEY_S			31
+#define KEY_D			32
+#define KEY_F			33
+#define KEY_G			34
+#define KEY_H			35
+#define KEY_J			36
+#define KEY_K			37
+#define KEY_L			38
+#define KEY_SEMICOLON		39
+#define KEY_APOSTROPHE		40
+#define KEY_GRAVE		41
+#define KEY_LEFTSHIFT		42
+#define KEY_BACKSLASH		43
+#define KEY_Z			44
+#define KEY_X			45
+#define KEY_C			46
+#define KEY_V			47
+#define KEY_B			48
+#define KEY_N			49
+#define KEY_M			50
+#define KEY_COMMA		51
+#define KEY_DOT			52
+#define KEY_SLASH		53
+#define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT		54
+#define KEY_KPASTERISK		55
+#define KEY_LEFTALT		56
+#define KEY_SPACE		57
+#define KEY_CAPSLOCK		58
+#define KEY_F1			59
+#define KEY_F2			60
+#define KEY_F3			61
+#define KEY_F4			62
+#define KEY_F5			63
+#define KEY_F6			64
+#define KEY_F7			65
+#define KEY_F8			66
+#define KEY_F9			67
+#define KEY_F10			68
+#define KEY_NUMLOCK		69
+#define KEY_SCROLLLOCK		70
+#define KEY_KP7			71
+#define KEY_KP8			72
+#define KEY_KP9			73
+#define KEY_KPMINUS		74
+#define KEY_KP4			75
+#define KEY_KP5			76
+#define KEY_KP6			77
+#define KEY_KPPLUS		78
+#define KEY_KP1			79
+#define KEY_KP2			80
+#define KEY_KP3			81
+#define KEY_KP0			82
+#define KEY_KPDOT		83
+#define KEY_102ND		86
+#define KEY_F11			87
+#define KEY_F12			88
+#define KEY_RO			89
+#define KEY_KATAKANA		90
+#define KEY_HIRAGANA		91
+#define KEY_HENKAN		92
+#define KEY_MUHENKAN		94
+#define KEY_KPJPCOMMA		95
+#define KEY_KPENTER		96
+#define KEY_RIGHTCTRL		97
+#define KEY_KPSLASH		98
+#define KEY_SYSRQ		99
+#define KEY_RIGHTALT		100
+#define KEY_LINEFEED		101
+#define KEY_HOME		102
+#define KEY_UP			103
+#define KEY_PAGEUP		104
+#define KEY_LEFT		105
+#define KEY_RIGHT		106
+#define KEY_END			107
+#define KEY_DOWN		108
+#define KEY_PAGEDOWN		109
+#define KEY_INSERT		110
+#define KEY_DELETE		111
+#define KEY_MACRO		112
+#define KEY_MUTE		113
+#define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN		114
+#define KEY_VOLUMEUP		115
+#define KEY_POWER		116	/* SC System Power Down */
+#define KEY_KPEQUAL		117
+#define KEY_KPPLUSMINUS		118
+#define KEY_PAUSE		119
+#define KEY_SCALE		120	/* AL Compiz Scale (Expose) */
+#define KEY_KPCOMMA		121
+#define KEY_HANGEUL		122
+#define KEY_HANJA		123
+#define KEY_YEN			124
+#define KEY_LEFTMETA		125
+#define KEY_RIGHTMETA		126
+#define KEY_COMPOSE		127
+#define KEY_STOP		128	/* AC Stop */
+#define KEY_AGAIN		129
+#define KEY_PROPS		130	/* AC Properties */
+#define KEY_UNDO		131	/* AC Undo */
+#define KEY_FRONT		132
+#define KEY_COPY		133	/* AC Copy */
+#define KEY_OPEN		134	/* AC Open */
+#define KEY_PASTE		135	/* AC Paste */
+#define KEY_FIND		136	/* AC Search */
+#define KEY_CUT			137	/* AC Cut */
+#define KEY_HELP		138	/* AL Integrated Help Center */
+#define KEY_MENU		139	/* Menu (show menu) */
+#define KEY_CALC		140	/* AL Calculator */
+#define KEY_SETUP		141
+#define KEY_SLEEP		142	/* SC System Sleep */
+#define KEY_WAKEUP		143	/* System Wake Up */
+#define KEY_FILE		144	/* AL Local Machine Browser */
+#define KEY_SENDFILE		145
+#define KEY_DELETEFILE		146
+#define KEY_XFER		147
+#define KEY_PROG1		148
+#define KEY_PROG2		149
+#define KEY_WWW			150	/* AL Internet Browser */
+#define KEY_MSDOS		151
+#define KEY_COFFEE		152	/* AL Terminal Lock/Screensaver */
+#define KEY_DIRECTION		153
+#define KEY_MAIL		155
+#define KEY_BOOKMARKS		156	/* AC Bookmarks */
+#define KEY_COMPUTER		157
+#define KEY_BACK		158	/* AC Back */
+#define KEY_FORWARD		159	/* AC Forward */
+#define KEY_CLOSECD		160
+#define KEY_EJECTCD		161
+#define KEY_NEXTSONG		163
+#define KEY_PLAYPAUSE		164
+#define KEY_STOPCD		166
+#define KEY_RECORD		167
+#define KEY_REWIND		168
+#define KEY_PHONE		169	/* Media Select Telephone */
+#define KEY_ISO			170
+#define KEY_CONFIG		171	/* AL Consumer Control Configuration */
+#define KEY_HOMEPAGE		172	/* AC Home */
+#define KEY_REFRESH		173	/* AC Refresh */
+#define KEY_EXIT		174	/* AC Exit */
+#define KEY_MOVE		175
+#define KEY_EDIT		176
+#define KEY_SCROLLUP		177
+#define KEY_SCROLLDOWN		178
+#define KEY_KPLEFTPAREN		179
+#define KEY_NEW			181	/* AC New */
+#define KEY_REDO		182	/* AC Redo/Repeat */
+#define KEY_F13			183
+#define KEY_F14			184
+#define KEY_F15			185
+#define KEY_F16			186
+#define KEY_F17			187
+#define KEY_F18			188
+#define KEY_F19			189
+#define KEY_F20			190
+#define KEY_F21			191
+#define KEY_F22			192
+#define KEY_F23			193
+#define KEY_F24			194
+#define KEY_PLAYCD		200
+#define KEY_PAUSECD		201
+#define KEY_PROG3		202
+#define KEY_PROG4		203
+#define KEY_DASHBOARD		204	/* AL Dashboard */
+#define KEY_SUSPEND		205
+#define KEY_CLOSE		206	/* AC Close */
+#define KEY_PLAY		207
+#define KEY_FASTFORWARD		208
+#define KEY_BASSBOOST		209
+#define KEY_PRINT		210	/* AC Print */
+#define KEY_HP			211
+#define KEY_CAMERA		212
+#define KEY_SOUND		213
+#define KEY_QUESTION		214
+#define KEY_EMAIL		215
+#define KEY_CHAT		216
+#define KEY_SEARCH		217
+#define KEY_CONNECT		218
+#define KEY_FINANCE		219	/* AL Checkbook/Finance */
+#define KEY_SPORT		220
+#define KEY_SHOP		221
+#define KEY_ALTERASE		222
+#define KEY_CANCEL		223	/* AC Cancel */
+#define KEY_MEDIA		226
+#define KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE	227	/* Cycle between available video
+					   outputs (Monitor/LCD/TV-out/etc) */
+#define KEY_KBDILLUMUP		230
+#define KEY_SEND		231	/* AC Send */
+#define KEY_REPLY		232	/* AC Reply */
+#define KEY_FORWARDMAIL		233	/* AC Forward Msg */
+#define KEY_SAVE		234	/* AC Save */
+#define KEY_DOCUMENTS		235
+#define KEY_BATTERY		236
+#define KEY_BLUETOOTH		237
+#define KEY_WLAN		238
+#define KEY_UWB			239
+#define KEY_UNKNOWN		240
+#define KEY_VIDEO_NEXT		241	/* drive next video source */
+#define KEY_VIDEO_PREV		242	/* drive previous video source */
+#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE	243	/* brightness up, after max is min */
+#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_ZERO	244	/* brightness off, use ambient */
+#define KEY_DISPLAY_OFF		245	/* display device to off state */
+#define KEY_WIMAX		246
+#define KEY_RFKILL		247	/* Key that controls all radios */
+#define KEY_MICMUTE		248	/* Mute / unmute the microphone */
+/* Code 255 is reserved for special needs of AT keyboard driver */
+#define BTN_MISC		0x100
+#define BTN_0			0x100
+#define BTN_1			0x101
+#define BTN_2			0x102
+#define BTN_3			0x103
+#define BTN_4			0x104
+#define BTN_5			0x105
+#define BTN_6			0x106
+#define BTN_7			0x107
+#define BTN_8			0x108
+#define BTN_9			0x109
+#define BTN_MOUSE		0x110
+#define BTN_LEFT		0x110
+#define BTN_RIGHT		0x111
+#define BTN_MIDDLE		0x112
+#define BTN_SIDE		0x113
+#define BTN_EXTRA		0x114
+#define BTN_FORWARD		0x115
+#define BTN_BACK		0x116
+#define BTN_TASK		0x117
+#define BTN_JOYSTICK		0x120
+#define BTN_TRIGGER		0x120
+#define BTN_THUMB		0x121
+#define BTN_THUMB2		0x122
+#define BTN_TOP			0x123
+#define BTN_TOP2		0x124
+#define BTN_PINKIE		0x125
+#define BTN_BASE		0x126
+#define BTN_BASE2		0x127
+#define BTN_BASE3		0x128
+#define BTN_BASE4		0x129
+#define BTN_BASE5		0x12a
+#define BTN_BASE6		0x12b
+#define BTN_DEAD		0x12f
+#define BTN_GAMEPAD		0x130
+#define BTN_SOUTH		0x130
+#define BTN_A			BTN_SOUTH
+#define BTN_EAST		0x131
+#define BTN_B			BTN_EAST
+#define BTN_C			0x132
+#define BTN_NORTH		0x133
+#define BTN_X			BTN_NORTH
+#define BTN_WEST		0x134
+#define BTN_Y			BTN_WEST
+#define BTN_Z			0x135
+#define BTN_TL			0x136
+#define BTN_TR			0x137
+#define BTN_TL2			0x138
+#define BTN_TR2			0x139
+#define BTN_SELECT		0x13a
+#define BTN_START		0x13b
+#define BTN_MODE		0x13c
+#define BTN_THUMBL		0x13d
+#define BTN_THUMBR		0x13e
+#define BTN_DIGI		0x140
+#define BTN_TOOL_PEN		0x140
+#define BTN_TOOL_RUBBER		0x141
+#define BTN_TOOL_BRUSH		0x142
+#define BTN_TOOL_PENCIL		0x143
+#define BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH	0x144
+#define BTN_TOOL_FINGER		0x145
+#define BTN_TOOL_MOUSE		0x146
+#define BTN_TOOL_LENS		0x147
+#define BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP	0x148	/* Five fingers on trackpad */
+#define BTN_TOUCH		0x14a
+#define BTN_STYLUS		0x14b
+#define BTN_STYLUS2		0x14c
+#define BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP	0x14d
+#define BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP	0x14e
+#define BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP	0x14f	/* Four fingers on trackpad */
+#define BTN_WHEEL		0x150
+#define BTN_GEAR_DOWN		0x150
+#define BTN_GEAR_UP		0x151
+#define KEY_OK			0x160
+#define KEY_SELECT		0x161
+#define KEY_GOTO		0x162
+#define KEY_CLEAR		0x163
+#define KEY_POWER2		0x164
+#define KEY_OPTION		0x165
+#define KEY_INFO		0x166	/* AL OEM Features/Tips/Tutorial */
+#define KEY_TIME		0x167
+#define KEY_VENDOR		0x168
+#define KEY_ARCHIVE		0x169
+#define KEY_PROGRAM		0x16a	/* Media Select Program Guide */
+#define KEY_CHANNEL		0x16b
+#define KEY_FAVORITES		0x16c
+#define KEY_EPG			0x16d
+#define KEY_PVR			0x16e	/* Media Select Home */
+#define KEY_MHP			0x16f
+#define KEY_LANGUAGE		0x170
+#define KEY_TITLE		0x171
+#define KEY_SUBTITLE		0x172
+#define KEY_ANGLE		0x173
+#define KEY_ZOOM		0x174
+#define KEY_MODE		0x175
+#define KEY_KEYBOARD		0x176
+#define KEY_SCREEN		0x177
+#define KEY_PC			0x178	/* Media Select Computer */
+#define KEY_TV			0x179	/* Media Select TV */
+#define KEY_TV2			0x17a	/* Media Select Cable */
+#define KEY_VCR			0x17b	/* Media Select VCR */
+#define KEY_VCR2		0x17c	/* VCR Plus */
+#define KEY_SAT			0x17d	/* Media Select Satellite */
+#define KEY_SAT2		0x17e
+#define KEY_CD			0x17f	/* Media Select CD */
+#define KEY_TAPE		0x180	/* Media Select Tape */
+#define KEY_RADIO		0x181
+#define KEY_TUNER		0x182	/* Media Select Tuner */
+#define KEY_PLAYER		0x183
+#define KEY_TEXT		0x184
+#define KEY_DVD			0x185	/* Media Select DVD */
+#define KEY_AUX			0x186
+#define KEY_MP3			0x187
+#define KEY_AUDIO		0x188	/* AL Audio Browser */
+#define KEY_VIDEO		0x189	/* AL Movie Browser */
+#define KEY_DIRECTORY		0x18a
+#define KEY_LIST		0x18b
+#define KEY_MEMO		0x18c	/* Media Select Messages */
+#define KEY_CALENDAR		0x18d
+#define KEY_RED			0x18e
+#define KEY_GREEN		0x18f
+#define KEY_YELLOW		0x190
+#define KEY_BLUE		0x191
+#define KEY_CHANNELUP		0x192	/* Channel Increment */
+#define KEY_CHANNELDOWN		0x193	/* Channel Decrement */
+#define KEY_FIRST		0x194
+#define KEY_LAST		0x195	/* Recall Last */
+#define KEY_AB			0x196
+#define KEY_NEXT		0x197
+#define KEY_RESTART		0x198
+#define KEY_SLOW		0x199
+#define KEY_SHUFFLE		0x19a
+#define KEY_BREAK		0x19b
+#define KEY_PREVIOUS		0x19c
+#define KEY_DIGITS		0x19d
+#define KEY_TEEN		0x19e
+#define KEY_TWEN		0x19f
+#define KEY_VIDEOPHONE		0x1a0	/* Media Select Video Phone */
+#define KEY_GAMES		0x1a1	/* Media Select Games */
+#define KEY_ZOOMIN		0x1a2	/* AC Zoom In */
+#define KEY_ZOOMOUT		0x1a3	/* AC Zoom Out */
+#define KEY_ZOOMRESET		0x1a4	/* AC Zoom */
+#define KEY_WORDPROCESSOR	0x1a5	/* AL Word Processor */
+#define KEY_EDITOR		0x1a6	/* AL Text Editor */
+#define KEY_SPREADSHEET		0x1a7	/* AL Spreadsheet */
+#define KEY_GRAPHICSEDITOR	0x1a8	/* AL Graphics Editor */
+#define KEY_PRESENTATION	0x1a9	/* AL Presentation App */
+#define KEY_DATABASE		0x1aa	/* AL Database App */
+#define KEY_NEWS		0x1ab	/* AL Newsreader */
+#define KEY_VOICEMAIL		0x1ac	/* AL Voicemail */
+#define KEY_ADDRESSBOOK		0x1ad	/* AL Contacts/Address Book */
+#define KEY_MESSENGER		0x1ae	/* AL Instant Messaging */
+#define KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE	0x1af	/* Turn display (LCD) on and off */
+#define KEY_SPELLCHECK		0x1b0   /* AL Spell Check */
+#define KEY_LOGOFF		0x1b1   /* AL Logoff */
+#define KEY_DOLLAR		0x1b2
+#define KEY_EURO		0x1b3
+#define KEY_FRAMEBACK		0x1b4	/* Consumer - transport controls */
+#define KEY_FRAMEFORWARD	0x1b5
+#define KEY_CONTEXT_MENU	0x1b6	/* GenDesc - system context menu */
+#define KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT	0x1b7	/* Consumer - transport control */
+#define KEY_10CHANNELSUP	0x1b8	/* 10 channels up (10+) */
+#define KEY_10CHANNELSDOWN	0x1b9	/* 10 channels down (10-) */
+#define KEY_IMAGES		0x1ba	/* AL Image Browser */
+#define KEY_DEL_EOL		0x1c0
+#define KEY_DEL_EOS		0x1c1
+#define KEY_INS_LINE		0x1c2
+#define KEY_DEL_LINE		0x1c3
+#define KEY_FN			0x1d0
+#define KEY_FN_ESC		0x1d1
+#define KEY_FN_F1		0x1d2
+#define KEY_FN_F2		0x1d3
+#define KEY_FN_F3		0x1d4
+#define KEY_FN_F4		0x1d5
+#define KEY_FN_F5		0x1d6
+#define KEY_FN_F6		0x1d7
+#define KEY_FN_F7		0x1d8
+#define KEY_FN_F8		0x1d9
+#define KEY_FN_F9		0x1da
+#define KEY_FN_F10		0x1db
+#define KEY_FN_F11		0x1dc
+#define KEY_FN_F12		0x1dd
+#define KEY_FN_1		0x1de
+#define KEY_FN_2		0x1df
+#define KEY_FN_D		0x1e0
+#define KEY_FN_E		0x1e1
+#define KEY_FN_F		0x1e2
+#define KEY_FN_S		0x1e3
+#define KEY_FN_B		0x1e4
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT1		0x1f1
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT2		0x1f2
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT3		0x1f3
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT4		0x1f4
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT5		0x1f5
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT6		0x1f6
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT7		0x1f7
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT8		0x1f8
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT9		0x1f9
+#define KEY_BRL_DOT10		0x1fa
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_0		0x200	/* used by phones, remote controls, */
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_1		0x201	/* and other keypads */
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_2		0x202
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_3		0x203
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_4		0x204
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_5		0x205
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_6		0x206
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_7		0x207
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_8		0x208
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_9		0x209
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_STAR	0x20a
+#define KEY_NUMERIC_POUND	0x20b
+#define KEY_CAMERA_FOCUS	0x210
+#define KEY_WPS_BUTTON		0x211	/* WiFi Protected Setup key */
+#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_TOGGLE	0x212	/* Request switch touchpad on or off */
+#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_ON		0x213
+#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_OFF	0x214
+#define KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMIN	0x215
+#define KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMOUT	0x216
+#define KEY_CAMERA_UP		0x217
+#define KEY_CAMERA_DOWN		0x218
+#define KEY_CAMERA_LEFT		0x219
+#define KEY_CAMERA_RIGHT	0x21a
+#define KEY_ATTENDANT_ON	0x21b
+#define KEY_ATTENDANT_OFF	0x21c
+#define KEY_ATTENDANT_TOGGLE	0x21d	/* Attendant call on or off */
+#define KEY_LIGHTS_TOGGLE	0x21e	/* Reading light on or off */
+#define BTN_DPAD_UP		0x220
+#define BTN_DPAD_DOWN		0x221
+#define BTN_DPAD_LEFT		0x222
+#define BTN_DPAD_RIGHT		0x223
+#define MATRIX_KEY(row, col, code)	\
+	((((row) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((col) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((code) & 0xFFFF))

barebox mailing list

  reply	other threads:[~2014-01-13  0:18 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 10+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2014-01-13  0:17 [PATCH 1/9] ARM: imx53: guard voipac vmx53 init function Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` Lucas Stach [this message]
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 3/9] dt-bindings: import irq.h Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 4/9] ARM: imx6: update pin related DT headers Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 5/9] ARM: imx6: update base DTs Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 6/9] ARM: imx6: split sabrelite DT Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 7/9] ARM: imx6: add support for DL variant of SabreLite Board Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 8/9] ARM: imx6: add initial support for Nitrogen6X boards Lucas Stach
2014-01-13  0:17 ` [PATCH 9/9] ARM: imx6: rename Carrier-1 to Hummingboard Lucas Stach
2014-01-14 16:22 ` [PATCH 1/9] ARM: imx53: guard voipac vmx53 init function Sascha Hauer

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  via mailto: links, try the mailto: link
Be sure your reply has a Subject: header at the top and a blank line before the message body.
This is a public inbox, see mirroring instructions
for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox